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      A Playful Gift Guide by Jennifer Gross

      A Playful Gift Guide by Jennifer Gross

          Our second Gift Guide this season is curated by the masterful, multitalented Jennifer Gross! Jennifer's Playful Gift Guide inspires us to make more thoughtful choices when gifting for ourselves and others. Peep her thoughts on the process:

      "I'm really interested in personal development and getting to know myself more and most of these are things I can do on my own. They're practical too. I have a tiny ass apt so if I get anything new I want to make sure I'll be able to use it. And they're fun! Like I have pencils anyway but might as well have a fun one that looks like a paintbrush."

      KP: What do you do by day and what do you do by night?

      JG: By day I'm a web developer; by night I'm a roller skater and I'm an artist. I like to be creative even if it's my roller skate videos or something else.

      KP: Describe a recent ‘a-ha’ moment or precious moment.

      JG: I've been grateful for a lot of things. I just went up to Anchorage and an a-ha was that I finally get it when people go into breweries and buy things. I went to the cider brewery - double shovel - and it clicked for me. I was like I get it! I got to hang out with 3 of my friends and just have cider.

      KP: What are you looking forward to in 2022?

      JG: I think growth. I want to pay my student loans; hoping to be in a bigger spot that Christian can run around, make my plants happy, and roller skate around. Growth and be excited about new possibilities.


      Classic Lumio

      I like this lamp. It's just cute. This is cool;
      you don't even have to have it plugged in for it to work.


      The Office Playing Cards

      Who doesn't like The Office? I love The Office and I feel like for black households around the holidays, cards are pretty important. We'll be playing a lot of cards around the holidays (You gotta know Spades) and this is one of my favorite shows. I don't watch a lot of tv but whenever I do lay down I just re-watch The Office.


      I Like Your Ears Print

      I like this one because it's kind of weird, hahaha. "I like your ears;" I like to notice different things about people, like I like looking at people's hands and I have a piece by Christianne Mae that's all the people and their hands, and I think this would match well in my house. I think it's about noticing small things about people and I do that, too. 


      Blackwing Pencils

      I like these because they look like paintbrushes.


      Wallet by Karen Eriksen ( NaMee's Mom! )

      Because I'm 27 and I still don't own a wallet or a purse and I think this
      is really cute and I'm disorganized. Maybe one day I'll get my life together
      and not carry my cards in whatever jacket I wore last. 

      100 Maddening Mindbending Puzzles
      I like puzzles, Christian just got a Rubik's Cube but I think he just got it for me because I use it more than he does. I like doing sudoku but this one is logic problems and math. I have a minor in math and so it'd be fun to read it and see how dumb i've gotten since I've gotten since out of school cause I do not use that lol  

      Notable Native People
      I feel like growing up I had black history month and learned about black leaders, but I feel like I have never learned about Native leaders. Outside of being in Juneau, I don't think I would have ever learned about Elizabeth Pervatrovich. So I think this is a cool book. My great grandmother is Choctaw so I was hoping to see a Choctaw person in this book but there's not, but it's fine, haha.


      How to Draw All the Things for Kids

      Because I have a child and because I probably need this book too, lol 

       Life Lessons From Bob Ross

      I don't think I've ever followed along a Bob Ross video but I used to just have it on the tv and I just liked listening to him. He's really funny and philosophical about painting. I'm glad someone made it into a book because you can apply it to all areas of your life. And you know, maybe I'll do a bob ross video :)

      Upcycle: 24 Sustainable DIY Projects

      I like doing arts and crafts stuff. Most of the furniture in the house I've made, mostly because the doorway is kind of tiny and there's a weird wall, so I couldn't buy a couch if I wanted to because I couldn't get it in. So it kind of forced me to be more creative. I took wood shop in college so I enjoy it anyway. There's some fun stuff in there, look at that lamp! 

      The Cocktail Garden

      Before the pandemic I got a mixer set and all these fancy glasses and so I thought this was cute for having people over and making cocktails. You don't always have to go out, and especially in a pandemic, you can stay home and make fancy drinks and you can actually hear your friends talking. 

      I Tolerate You Card

      I like it just because I feel like a lot of the people you're close with you say they tolerate you. I don't really think anybody ever really *tolerates* anybody; I think we keep people in our lives because we like them, but for people who are anxious, I feel it's more for them that we can say, "I tolerate you." And it's cute too; I like the cats.

       Small Adventure Journal

      This is just funny, lol. Also why is there not a womanly guide? But as a single mom raising a little boy I'd just love to read what's in here, patriarchy and whatnot. Maybe there is something helpful in there. I think the pages in it are funny, even if it's not to critique it but to give it credit.

      Walt Whitman's Guide to Manly Health Training

      Because I think it has fun things to do, things I don't even think about. I also thought the checklist for what to wear outside was funny, because I've now been in Juneau 4 years and this will be my fifth winter and for some reason I don't keep up with my gloves. And as you can see I don't have a jacket on today and so I obviously need this guide.


      Mountain Men of Alaska Calendar

      This one was my favorite calendar. I've seen them every year and I really like it. I think it's really funny because all of my friends know I'm a bit boy crazy so of course you can get me a calendar with beautiful men in it. And august can call me, just saying.

      Kia Johns Gift Guide for the Creatives

      Kia Johns Gift Guide for the Creatives


           KP Holiday Gift Guides are back! Starting us off this year is the fabulously talented Kia Johns with her Gift Guide for Creatives. Many of us have Kia’s nature-inspired prints hanging on our walls at home, and if you’re like us, we often wonder what it’s like inside her head. We asked her some hard-hitting questions, so read on for her insights and gift ideas for the artists in our lives.

      KP: What do you do by day and what do you do by night?

      KJ: I'm an artist during the day and by night... I'm still an artist, haha. I sleep. I like to cook. I cook and sleep. 

      KP: Describe a recent ‘a-ha’ moment or precious moment.

      KJ: So we have my parents' old dog right now, he's 14. He's a very chill 14 year old and doesn't get along very well or very fast. But when we got all this fresh snow he was so excited and he was running around, which he doesn't really do anymore. It just melted my heart. 

      KP: What are you looking forward to in 2022?

      KJ: Looking forward to making more art and more pottery. To sunny days. Honestly I'm looking forward to summer, haha. And some sunny hikes in 2022!


      “I thought this was really cute and when I'm making ceramics I'll usually take my rings off and put them in a weird spot and later go, "oh no where did my rings go?" This would be perfect to put your rings in if you're making something with your hands.”

      “I picked it at first because it was just a beautiful book, but flipping through it I see it has all these watercolor pages. You could do one a day, sort of like a lesson, and for practice. Would be great for anyone, whether you're already good at it or just getting into watercolors. I think this is a really good book just to have all that you need right there.”


      “This is just fabulous. I'm not sure why I picked it up exactly but if you're creative, or if you're me. Sometimes I cry and this just hit home, hahaha. Creative people are emotional sometimes, and they would probably like this hat.”


      “A good mug. Because you always need your coffee, your tea, etc when you're making things.”

      “You've got to put your hair back, at least for me. I always like having my hair back when I'm creating -- because if I'm drawing, I'm like this *looks down* and it's in everything. Or ceramics, that would be a nightmare. My hair gets into everything so hair ties just keep it out of the way.”

      For sketching, drawing, ideas. I use a sketchbook everyday and the Moleskine notebooks are my personal favorite, especially the ones with the elastic because you can keep things in there. Moleskines also have the pocket in the back and I love that, for flat knick knacks. Really any creative would love a Moleskine. 

      Our New Look


       When we first opened, we got right to work curating art, producing events, and hustling mail. Admittedly, we didn't spend a lot of time crafting our visual brand. We made a logo and kept things simple, and tried to be a backdrop for everything else.

      Seven years later, we asked our new friends at Young Jerks to help upgrade our look into something that represented our role as curators, producers, and community builders. It's fun being a small business, where you make everything up - from your business cards to your purchase orders to the values you come home to. Some things change, but some things don't. We have a new logo, but we are still the same open-door, open-armed Kindred Post. 

      We love its warmth, elegance, and playfulness all in one. We love that it mixes classic utility with a bit of handmade charm. And did you know the bird holding the letter is a ptarmigan (the Alaska state bird)?? We love its head nod to both peace doves and to the USPS eagle. We spent months working on this, crafting every little detail. Honestly, stop by and nerd out about it with us anytime. 🤗  We hope you like it!  

      How to Care for Your Jewelry

      How to Care for Your Jewelry

      Humans of all genders have been in love with adornment since time immemorial. As an expression of self and identity, our values and ideals, our cultures, symbols of our travels and relationships, superstitions, and any number of things, jewelry is a huge way with which we state our place in the world, to ourselves and to each other. A good piece of jewelry is something to be loved for a lifetime, and to be taken care of like the dear thing that it is. We want to promote the longevity of your favorite pieces for as long as possible. Whoever you are, beauty-beholder, we hope this helps you!

      At Kindred Post, the majority of our jewelry is sterling silver, brass or copper. (By the way, we keep an index on all our jewelry materials specifically for those with sensitive ears-- If you have a metal allergy, we’d be more than happy to help find a pair that’s appropriate for you.)

      Regardless of the material of the jewelry, there are some base rules:

      • Don’t bathe or swim in them.
      • Be careful when applying anything to your hair or skin. Make sure to take them off before your skincare routine, and to put them on last after makeup, perfume or hair care. You can even take a cloth to them at the end of the day to wipe away any product buildup the piece might have accumulated throughout the day. 
      • Avoid other daily tasks like cooking, gardening or cleaning in your jewelry. We’ve all been guilty of not taking our rings off before getting our hands dirty, so we could use a reminder from time to time. If you do get something wet, don’t fear-- just try to dry it off as soon as possible.

      Because jewelry becomes tarnished through chemical reactions, whether from exposure to air, skin chemistry, water, or other chemicals, it’s important to do our best to keep them safe. Storing your pieces in a jewelry box or similar container isn’t just convenient or visually satisfying, it actually helps protect from tarnishing. Even long term exposure to sunlight can darken some metals.


      When a piece has become tarnished, there are a few ways to clean it. If it’s appropriate for the jewelry materials (it’s all metal, with no cloth component) you can soak it in a mixture of water and gentle, unscented dish soap for a few minutes to remove grime buildup. Dry with a cloth immediately. The most effective way we’ve found to remove tarnish and patina has been personally tested by our team-- the Sunshine Cloth! This small but mighty cloth is capable of removing even some of the toughest oxidation. It makes everything look super shiny and new, just like a ray of sunshine.


      We should also mention that it's natural for metals to tarnish, and some jewelry styles develop more character and depth as it ages this way. So if you choose not to remove the tarnish, that's jewelry care too! 


      We hope that these tips are useful to our jewelry wearers everywhere. As always, we appreciate you and sharing beauty with you! If you have any questions about materials or care, we’re ready to help-- just reach out to us!

      Mask policy update!

      Mask policy update!


      Raise your hand if you feel like the world is changing faster than you are! 


      So weird. 

      Btw our mask policy has changed.

      In the last few weeks we went from proudly requiring masks in order to visually show a sense of safety to feeling like the vestige of an old stubborn era. We found that unmasked individuals entering the store went from being a small minority to the vast majority (oh hey!), that they were all vaccinated (great!), and that their very first impression of Kindred Post was that they're not welcome (oof).

      I like the phrase "Come as you are." It means you are enough, you are prepared, we accept you, come in - and it is foundational to the way we do business. Friends, we don't want to greet you in the same breath that we ask you to change. Doing this every few minutes was creating a tension we normally wouldn't find at Kindred Post. Finally, we realized ….maybe it's us, maybe we had to change. 

      So. For the time being (high vaccination rates, low case numbers in our community), masks are only required if you are unvaccinated. 

      We continue to operate at about 30% capacity, only allowing 8 individuals (and some families) in the store at once. Additionally, our fully vaccinated staff will be wearing "I'M FULLY VAXXED" pins so that you will still have a visual indicator of safety. We will soon have more of these pins (thank you CBJ!) and we're going to place them at the door - if you are also vaccinated, we encourage you to take one and use it in our store and everywhere.

      Please know that we made this decision with the unvaccinated still in mind. If you are at risk and nervous about being at Kindred Post or anywhere out and about right now, we understand. Which is why we continue to offer two no-contact options for your peace of mind. 

      1) You can shop online and choose free curbside pickup (we bring it right out to your car!) and/or 

      2) you can open up a free neighborhood account service for your mailings, which can also be handled completely at the door. 

      My friend Liz Medicine Crow was in the shop the other day and, per usual, I'm still thinking about something she said. We were talking about the pandemic and our way of life changing and changing again, and she described the way she wanted to lead her own organization. She said, "we were slammed into this, but we're gonna ease our way out."

      Thanks for your patience. For easing out with us, allowing us to ride the wave of cultural shift and make changes to our policy that make the best sense at the time. We're not interested in "going back" so much as being thoughtful about how we move through. We will continue to monitor vaccination rates, case numbers, and our general feeling of safety and well-being. Even this policy is not for forever.

      We look forward to the day when the tides change completely, and we see this change, this moment - however awkward - as part of that overall shift.

      Unrelated but related,

      it feels good to smile at strangers again.