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      Job Openings

      Job Openings

      ****Thank you for your interest. At this time the following positions have been filled. If you're interested in employment at KP in the future, we will still happily take your resume. Please send all info to [email protected]****

      Come join our team! At Kindred Post, we foster connection between art and community in order to cultivate a sense of belonging in our neighborhood and beyond. We’re a creative, quirky workplace rooted in art, community, and social justice. And we care very much about the people who work with us! Our team is fun, friendly, and hard-working - with each person making their unique mark on this big, beautiful world. Retail experience is not necessary; we are happy to train the right people! We can't wait to meet you!


      Retail Specialist

      This full-time or part-time position assists in the general operations of Kindred Post. This position carries out basic duties in retail transactions, product management, sales, and event staffing. Their experience also enables them to assist with curating and ordering, as well as styling photos for media use as well. Candidate must possess ability to provide excellent customer service, pay attention to detail, work effectively and efficiently in a busy atmosphere, and have fun! Pay starts a $16/hour DOE.

      Full position description here: Retail Specialist Starting at $16/hr


      Seasonal Retail Support Staff 

      This part-time, seasonal Retail Support position assists in the general operations of Kindred Post. It is approximately 5-15 hours a week and the ideal candidate will have availability from May-September. If you are only available for some of this window, please indicate so on your application. This position carries out basic duties in retail transactions, product management, and sales. Candidate must possess ability to provide excellent customer service, pay attention to detail, work effectively and efficiently in a busy atmosphere, and have fun!

      Full description here: Seasonal Retail Support Staff Starting at $14/hr


      TO APPLY:

      Please send ONE HAIKU, a RESUME, and a LETTER that tells us about yourself and why you'd be a good fit for Kindred Post. Send applications and questions to us at [email protected].

      Positions remain open until we find the right fit! We will update this post when positions have been filled. 

      Celebrating Artists of Color

      Celebrating Artists of Color

      Celebrating and supporting artists of color has been an important part of our work since our very humble beginnings. We know that racism touches our lives in personal and systemic ways, and that the color of our skin affects our outcomes in education, health, finance, career, and more. At Kindred Post we make curatorial choices to find and prioritize artists of color in order to do our part to overcome the barriers they inevitably encounter due to their identity. 

      We also want Kindred Post to be a place where people feel represented, at home. As a person of color myself (Asian American), I know what it's like to walk into a gallery/conference/classroom/store and think, oh, this wasn't made for me. For most of my life and even today, at almost every public place I go, I am not the target audience. 

      I wonder sometimes if white people think about that: that things marketed to the "general public" are really just marketed to you, made for you. I saw a medical drawing of a black fetus growing inside a black woman circulating the internet recenly and we were all losing our minds because it was the first time any of us had ever seen a non-white fetus drawing. Women of all races get pregnant of course. Think of how many pamphlets or diagrams we have referenced as a way of imagining the intimate magic of life growing inside our bodies, and even this can only be imagined in whiteness. 

      I don't mean to get off track with examples of white privilege. My point is that if Kindred Post was a medical office, when we opened we set out to have diagrams of fetuses of every color, so that each precious mom who walked in could know that in both daily life and in imagination, we know that they are real. 

      We see you and you belong here. 

      Further: Not only are we interested in greater equity and greater representation for artists of color, we are interested in the community-wide benefits of including and celebrating diverse worldviews. Every artist, no matter their race, imbues the things they create with parts of themselves. What they choose to see, draw, carve, weave, collect, name, interpret, share - all of these are unique to each artist, influenced by their identity and relationship to the world. The more diverse art we curate, the more truths we tell and listen to and learn from. We (each and every one of us, all races) benefit from this.

      Therefore, we have been working on collecting demographic information from our artists to ensure that we have data to support our goals and our intuition. This has been a large, ongoing, evolving project, and we ourselves are learning how to ask the right questions, so we thank you for your patience and forgiveness with any of our mistakes.

      A side benefit is that we now have added a collection to our website where you can see work by our artists of color. We are sharing it now, in a robust but still incomplete version. Please know that there are some artists on our website who identify as an artist of color but may not have been surveyed and filtered into this collection yet (and if this is you, you should e-mail us because that will help us with this project!). Please use this collection as a point of departure and not a definitive guide. 

      Thank you for joining us in lifting up artists of color and their work. And thank you, artists, for offering a piece of yourselves to the world in this way. May we take good care of our stories and each other.

      Our New Look


       When we first opened, we got right to work curating art, producing events, and hustling mail. Admittedly, we didn't spend a lot of time crafting our visual brand. We made a logo and kept things simple, and tried to be a backdrop for everything else.

      Seven years later, we asked our new friends at Young Jerks to help upgrade our look into something that represented our role as curators, producers, and community builders. It's fun being a small business, where you make everything up - from your business cards to your purchase orders to the values you come home to. Some things change, but some things don't. We have a new logo, but we are still the same open-door, open-armed Kindred Post. 

      We love its warmth, elegance, and playfulness all in one. We love that it mixes classic utility with a bit of handmade charm. And did you know the bird holding the letter is a ptarmigan (the Alaska state bird)?? We love its head nod to both peace doves and to the USPS eagle. We spent months working on this, crafting every little detail. Honestly, stop by and nerd out about it with us anytime. 🤗  We hope you like it!  

      Why we're vaxxed AND masked

      Why we're vaxxed AND masked

      Ever get in an elevator and you're about to go up but then someone rushes over and so you hold the door and you wait for them? And then you're like "what floor" and they're like "3" and you're like *pushes button 3* and you don't know this person and you didn’t need to stop at floor 3 but it's not that big a deal to you but it's a big deal to them?

      You know what’s similar? Wearing masks even though you’re vaccinated.

      It's a social grace. It's a sign of respect. It is a gesture.

      We are thrilled that so many folks in our community have been vaccinated. We are thrilled because we know that you are more safe and your family/pod is more safe and our community is more safe as a result of your immunization.

      But yeah, in our store, you still need to wear a mask.

      Unfortunately, some unvaccinated adults chose not to wear masks even when scientific evidence showed that masks reduce the spread of disease and even though masks were mandated by law. By and large, these individuals still do not wear masks.

      Therefore, a regular non-psychic person has no way of knowing whether you are vaccinated and safe, or unvaccinated and risky.

      In our community, our youth are just beginning to get vaccinated and some are not yet old enough to receive it. In addition, others are unable to be vaccinated for health reasons that defy personal choice. Also, some people just don't want to get vaccinated and they have their reasons, and we might not fully understand them but we respect them.

      Each and every one of these people are important to us, so we make decisions that consider their safety and their feelings of safety.

      And so, at this time, in order for at-risk individuals to look around and feel safe in our store, our staff wears masks and we require our customers to wear masks, too.

      Like holding the door, like offering someone a tissue, like finding a trash can instead of tossing a wrapper on the street - these individual efforts are a courtesy to others.

      It's a small price to pay for the joy of being in community with one another.

      Be polite and be joyful.
      Wear a mask.

      Thank you

      A Note from the Owner

      A Note from the Owner

      by Christy NaMee Eriksen

      Once at an art market I bought a zine from the girl next to me. Then she came to my table and bought some of my poems. I bought stickers from another guy and he bought a book from another and we joked that we were just passing the same $20 around.

      Read more