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      Songwriting Workshop for Women

      Songwriting Workshop for Women

      Women's Songwriting Workshop
      Sunday, November 11th, 1-4pm
      $45 (scholarships available)

      After returning from songwriting camp in West Texas, Juneau musician Annie Bartholomew will host a women’s songwriting workshop at Kindred Post. Learn the nuts and bolts of songwriting to help craft your first song, or gain new techniques to bring to your songwriting practice. This class will discuss songwriting in an inclusive setting with the intention of creating a community of songwriters in Juneau. This course is for women who may have never written a song before, are at the beginning of their songwriting journey, or experienced artists seeking new inspiration. No
      musical experience necessary, bring only your voice and willingness to share.

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      Kindred Post one of five companies in Pacific Northwest to win major development grant

      Kindred Post one of five companies in Pacific Northwest to win major development grant

      Big news!! 

      Funds will allow Kindred Post to invest in community art programming

      A Colorado-based social impact organization has chosen Kindred Post in Juneau for a major business development grant, making it one of only five entities in the Pacific Northwest to receive the honor this year.

      The $50,000 grant is part of the Alma Mater Platform (AMP) Accelerator Program, a new pilot project funded by Wend Ventures, which is an investment portfolio focused on driving transformation and positive change for people, communities and places.

      The grant will allow Kindred Post owner, artist and activist Christy NaMee Eriksen to invest in the company’s community art programs. The programs, including a Tiny Post Office Concert series, workshops, readings, and letter writing parties, have been offered mostly free of charge, and the grant will be used to develop a sponsorship model to support and sustain accessibility; fund outreach efforts to publicize programs; and purchase chairs for performance events.

      The grant also will allow Eriksen to attend bi-weekly seminars over three months at Alma Mater Tacoma, an artist-led community space in Washington State, to engage with other creative leaders and to hear speakers from fields that contribute to the development of the creative economy.

      Eriksen called the award an amazing opportunity and the people behind AMP and Wend Ventures kindred spirits because their goal to promote community engagement through the arts dovetails so closely with her own.

      “The opportunity to connect with and learn from others in the small but mighty field of socially-conscious and creative entrepreneurship is exciting,” Eriksen said. “The grant also will allow me to invest in my favorite branch of Kindred Post's business—community art programming— which capitalizes on my experience of creating and sharing together but has so far lacked the resources to grow.”

      Wend Ventures supports new and innovative means of promoting and accelerating alternative business model development and community engagement through the arts, which are goals that especially resonate with Eriksen.

      “I strive to use my work to lift up my voice and lift up my community. I believe that a community that nurtures artists nurtures everyone, and that art can bring out the best in people,” she said.

      We're donating 100% of our #SocialJusticeHustle profits this week

      We're donating 100% of our #SocialJusticeHustle profits this week

      Hi. 4th of July has got us feeling a way. More than our Independence, we think about our interdependence. We are deeply connected, our liberation is bound to one another. None of us are free until all of us are free. What’s happening at our border is a horrific, recurring theme - separating families of color is an institutionalized trauma our country has participated in for generations. None of it is okay. 

      THIS WEEK WE ARE DONATING 100% OF OUR #SOCIALJUSTICEHUSTLE PROFITS. Tshirts, Hoodies, Pins. We collect 10% all year long (this year being donated to Sealaska Heritage Institute’s art programs), but from now until Sunday the other 90% is going to a medley of organizations that are doing some heavy hustling in the movement right now:

      + Fronterizo Fianza Fund a community bond (fianza) fund run by the Detained Migrant Solidarity Committee, based in El Paso-Ciudad Juárez to get immigrants out of detainment and closer to family reunification. https://www.fianzafund.org/home.html

      + Al Otro Lado - serves indigent deportees, migrants, and refugees in Tijuana & Los Angeles. https://www.alotrolado.org

      + Neta - a Latinx-run progressive media platform telling the stories of what's happening on the border. https://www.netargv.com

      + La Union del Pueblo Entero - founded by Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta, a community union that works in the Rio Grande Valley from the grassroots up. https://lupenet.org/

      + The Young Center for Immigrant Children's Rights - attorneys and social workers who advocate for unaccompanied immigrant children and work to change immigration policy and practice. https://www.theyoungcenter.org/

      It’s not much, but we want to lift up and support the collective work that activists across the country are engaged in. Do not despair. Where there is oppression and darkness, there is intergenerational resilience, intergenerational dreaming, intergenerational joy. No one is going anywhere. We’re in this together. 

      In solidarity, 
      Kindred Post