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      Kindred Artist of the Week: Jennifer Lee

      Kindred Artist of the Week: Jennifer Lee

      "This is something I still tell myself all the time - Try to look inward and make stuff you aren't seeing anywhere else. Obviously easier said than done! But I think it's really important and it'll help you stand out and get noticed." 

      Presenting our Kindred Artist of the Week series! We are big fans of all the artists we work with and we are so excited to share their stories!

      This week’s featured artist is Jennifer Lee, the illustrator/designer behind Yeppie Paper cards. We love the playfulness and sincerity that Jennifer captures in her greetings, and it's been a joy watching the collection/company (co-run with her brother Jim) evolve and grow over the years we've been working with them!

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      Kindred Artist of the Week: Reid Harris

      Kindred Artist of the Week: Reid Harris

      "Truly fine furniture is about 95% hand sanding, there are no shortcuts. Take your time."

      Presenting our Kindred Artist of the Week series! We are big fans of all the artists we work with and we are so excited to share their stories!

      This week’s featured artist is local artist Reid Harris, whose live-edge work we love and use daily (he made our big gorgeous table in the middle of the shop!) and perhaps you've taken home yourself via his red alder cutting boards.

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      Kindred Artist of the Week:  Tanya McAllister

      Kindred Artist of the Week: Tanya McAllister

      "Don't be afraid to have your piece look crazy and messy at first, with patience it will all come to together."

      Presenting our Kindred Artist of the Week series! We are big fans of all the artists we work with and we are so excited to share their stories!

      This week’s featured artist is local artist Tanya McAllister, whose ceramic wearables capture the wild charm of our home, and who will be at Kindred Post tonight with a pop up shop of her work! 

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      Kindred Artist of the Week: Samantha Walker

      Kindred Artist of the Week: Samantha Walker

      "It's so satisfying to make something with your own two hands. It's just a bonus when it's beautiful."

      Presenting our Kindred Artist of the Week series! We are big fans of all the artists we work with and we are so excited to share their stories!

      This week’s featured artist is Samantha Walker - the playful goddess behind all our fabulous mood jewelry! Each piece is carefully handmade with sweetness and appreciation, which shines through in her interview, too. 

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      Kindred Artists of the Week: Lara and Mariah

      Kindred Artists of the Week: Lara and Mariah

      "Although fun, Mokume Gane can be tedious medium to work with! It often goes through a long “ugly duckling” phase. Patience and persistence are important." 

      Presenting our Kindred Artist of the Week series! We are big fans of all the artists we work with and we are so excited to share their stories!

      This week’s featured artists are Lara and Mariah - the Fairbanks-born and raised duo behind ELM designsMuch of their work uses a technique called mokume gane, which produces an incredible juxtaposition of metal and the natural world - and their long hours of labor and love show through in each piece. h piece. 

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