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      Artist of the Week: Koby Etzwiler

      Artist of the Week: Koby Etzwiler

      "I’ve always looked outside with wonder, and I do my best to represent my love for the wilderness in my pieces. "

      Koby Etzweiler 

      Presenting our Kindred Artist of the Week series! We are big fans of all the artists we work with and we are so excited to share their stories!

      This week we are featuring Koby Etzwiler, Alaskan college student who uses many different mediums to share his love for the wild things. His creature stickers are durable and water resistant -- just like any true Alaskan needs to be, am I right? He is clearly just getting started, and we can't wait to see what comes next! Check out the full interview below to learn about all things Koby!

      Who are you?

      Hey! My name is Koby Etzwiler, I'm a 19 (almost 20) year old kid from Alaska who just loves to create. I’ve lived in Homer nearly my whole life, but I’m currently going to college down in Oregon. I’m working towards getting my Bachelors Degree in Outdoor Recreation Management. Basically, I want to be able to work in the National Parks. I love to hike, explore, fish, hunt, and just generally be out in nature.

      What do you do?

      Most of my background was actually in watercolors and pen and ink drawings. I did almost solely those two things for about 4 years, with occasional acrylic pieces here and there, but recently I bought an ipad so I could branch out into digital art. Lately, all of my pieces have been simple black and whites, though I recently started expanding into colored pieces. 

      Bigfoot Sticker by Koby Etzweiler

      Who/what inspires you?

      My biggest inspiration for almost everything I’ve done comes from outdoors. It’s no coincidence that’s the field I’m trying to enter as well. I love drawing any mountain scene with the stars. I’ve always looked outside with wonder, and I do my best to represent my love for the wilderness in my pieces. 

      What is your favorite moment in the process?

      Honestly, my favorite parts are 1) when I get the inspiration to create something new, and 2) when I finish placing the last star. That part is always so tedious for me and it feels great to be done and look at a completed project. 

      What is a trick of your trade or a piece of advice for artists in your medium?

      The biggest piece of advice I can give for any medium I’ve worked with is watch youtube videos and ask questions. There’s always somebody out there with more knowledge on something, even if its a minor detail, and you never know who might be able to give you the advice that makes your next piece your best one yet. 

      What is next?

      My next goal is to expand my digital art style to attempt to create more realistic looking pieces. I love where my inspiration comes from, but I’d also like to learn how to do more types of scenery. If I had to pick one I’d like to learn how to do though, it’d have to be northern lights.  



      Check out his Instagram @etz_art to see more designs!

      Artist of the Week: Ben Huff of Ice Fog Press

      Artist of the Week: Ben Huff of Ice Fog Press

      "I'm inspired by the artists who, in this time of tumult and uncertainty, are showing up, putting their heads down, and telling the story of this place."

      Ben Huff in his studio in Juneau, Alaska

      Presenting our Kindred Artist of the Week series! We are big fans of all the artists we work with and we are so excited to share their stories!

      This week we are featuring Ben Huff, award-winning photographer and owner of Ice Fog Press, with whom we have the privilege of being friends and neighbors. Ice Fog Press does the printing for our Growing Upwords giclées and Ben also ships his work through our post office. We have a very strong appreciation for him and his craft, and wanted to highlight the magic he continues to put out into the world and our community. Check out his full interview below! 

      Who are you?

      I'm a Juneau based artist. Primarily, I'm a photographer, but also a bookmaker, printer and teacher. 

      What do you do?

      My days vary considerably. I run an operation called Ice Fog Press which is my publishing imprint, where I design, publish, and construct small run artist books for photographers that I appreciate and want to work with. Also, IFP is sort of a catchall for anything else that isn't my own work. As a photographer, I have a particular skill set that can be useful outside of my own artistic practice. On a given day I may be printing for another local artist, editing photos from a commercial or editorial job, teaching a class out of my studio or at UAS, or working on my own projects. 

      Who/what inspires you?

      I'm inspired by the artists who, in this time of tumult and uncertainty, are showing up, putting their heads down, and telling the story of this place. 

      What is your favorite moment in the process?

      Every step has it's rewards. The making of the pictures - being in the landscape, meeting people and making portraits, stitching it all together to make something coherent - it's a rush, an addiction. But, the end stage of printing, which I'm deep in right now, is also really satisfying. Whether its a digital or analogue capture, finally seeing the image on paper, at scale, is exhilarating. You never really know if you got it until its on paper. 

      What is a trick of your trade or a piece of advice for artists in your medium?

      Last semester I taught the Art Appreciation class at UAS for the first time in a couple years, and I show this old clip that features Chuck Close which I hadn't thought about in a while. At the end he says, as sort of parting shot to would-be artists "Inspiration is for amateurs, the rest of us just show up and get to work". As I get older, I recognize how true those words are. Every breakthrough I've ever had in my own work has come from work itself. I can be prone to navel-gazing and when I was younger, waiting for lightening to strike. It took me a long time to just trust my process, curiosity and instinct. And, that all of the bad pictures are necessary in order to get to the good ones.

      What is next?

      I have the heaviest exhibition schedule this year that I've ever had. It's both exciting and terrifying. I just released an artist book through Ice Fog Press called The Light That Got Lost, and I'll be exhibiting that work at the City Museum in February. It's an ongoing project that I've been working on for a couple years up on the ice field as arts faculty with the Juneau Icefield Research Program. Then in May I'll be showing Atomic Island, the culmination of a five year project on the Aleutian Island of Adak, at the Anchorage Museum. That show will run all summer, and come home to the State Museum in November. Also, later in the year I'll be included in a big group exhibition in Portland, and a couple smaller things that are too early in the works to speak to much about. It's going to be a big year of unveiling some things I've been working on for a long time.


      Ben's Work can be seen on exhibit at the Juneau-Douglas City Museum until February 28th and on the Ice Fog Press website.

      Artist of the Week: Molly Bosley of Found & Feral

      Artist of the Week: Molly Bosley of Found & Feral

      " My jewelry is made using globally sourced materials like raw brass, acetate, vinyl disc beads, vintage sequins, agate and quartz stones."

      Molly Bosley of Found & Feral

      Presenting our Kindred Artist of the Week series! We are big fans of all the artists we work with and we are so excited to share their stories!

      This week we are featuring Molly Bosley of Found & Feral. Molly's geometric brass jewelry brings joy to all who see or wear it. The symmetry in her work can sometimes take you right inside of a kaleidoscope with shapes mirroring one another so perfectly. Molly is newly a mama and we look forward to seeing what inspiration comes from this journey. Read about her process below!

      Who are you? 

      My name is Molly Bosley. I live in Winooski, VT which is a “big” little city and I hope in the near future to find a big farm where I will have space to roam and make and think. I recently became a mom which has been so wonderful and also a big adjustment in figuring out how to run a business from my home and take care of my baby at the same time.

      What do you do?

      I make jewelry from my home studio. My jewelry is made using globally sourced materials like raw brass, acetate, vinyl disc beads, vintage sequins, agate and quartz stones. I would describe the aesthetic as modern, geometric and big minimalist. 

      Who/what inspires you?

      I have been an artist and maker since I was young and have tried lots of different mediums over the years. Along with making jewelry, I have been known to illustrate, cut paper, sew, embroider, collage and create sculptures from old books, everyday objects and paper. I am inspired by shapes from nature, shadows, old architecture, textiles and pattern in everyday objects. I love to be inspired by other artists and find energy from what other people are making.

      What is your favorite moment in the process?

      As an artist I approach making jewelry in a similar way to creating anything where I look at the whole composition and how the negative and positive space react with one another. Jewelry is not just an object to adorn ourselves but I think of it as a piece of the composition of our overall style and ourselves as the canvas. I use my instinct to place shapes together and love when I find that perfect balance that clicks.

      What is a trick of your trade or a piece of advice for artists in your medium?

      Try the unexpected. Don’t make something you wouldn’t wear yourself. Even if it’s not a huge hit, keep trying new things because someone will like it. Keep reading and learning how to be better at what you love.

      What is next?

      I find it hard to squeeze in time for new designs but I would love to focus on experimenting with new styles. I am currently trying out some designs for bracelets and more beaded pieces.

      Brass Earrings No. 20 Brass Earrings No. 25 Brass Earrings No. 16

      See more of her work here!

      Job Posting: PT Retail Associates (year-round) & PT/FT Retail Associates (seasonal)

      Job Posting: PT Retail Associates (year-round) & PT/FT Retail Associates (seasonal)

      Come join our team! 

      Thank you for your interest in working at Kindred Post! We’re a creative, quirky workplace rooted in art, community, and social justice. And we care very much about the people who work with us! If you love people and mail and neighborhood vibes; if you’ve got a keen attention to detail and enjoy the satisfaction of efficiency; if you laugh at puns and like tiny post office concerts and adding your creative mark on this big bad beautiful world, then we can’t wait to meet you.

      We are hiring for:

      • year-round: part-time Retail Associates
      • seasonal: part-time and full time Retail Associates

      Please see below for more details about either position.

      TO APPLY:

      Please send ONE HAIKU, a RESUME, and a LETTER that tells us about yourself and why you'd be a good fit for Kindred Post.
      Send questions and applications to [email protected].

      We will begin interviews in March, so applicants who submit by February 29th will be given priority consideration. Positions will stay open until we find the right fit!


      Retail Associates (year-round)
      The Retail Associate (year-round) is a part-time, permanent position that assists in the general operations of Kindred Post. This position carries out basic duties in retail transactions, product management, sales, and event staffing. Candidate must possess ability to provide excellent customer service, pay attention to detail, work effectively and efficiently in a busy atmosphere, and have fun! Wages start at $12-13/hr. Full position description hereIf you have relevant experience, we welcome you to apply for a retail specialist position instead (starting at $13-14/hr)! 

      Retail Associates (seasonal)

      The Retail Associate (seasonal) is a part-time or full-time, temporary position that assists in the general operations of Kindred Post during the visitor season. Applicants should indicate their availability between April 15-October 15. This position carries out basic duties in retail transactions, product management, sales, and event staffing. Candidate must possess ability to provide excellent customer service, pay attention to detail, work effectively and efficiently in a busy atmosphere, and have fun! Wages start at $12-13/hr. Full position description hereIf you have relevant experience, we welcome you to apply for a seasonal retail specialist position instead (starting at $13-14/hr)! 

      Valentine's Day Gift Guide: For The Galentines by Megan Cochran

      Valentine's Day Gift Guide: For The Galentines by Megan Cochran

      Happy Galentines Day

      This final edition of our KP Valentine's Day Gift Guides is curated by me - Megan Cochran! This gift guide is dedicated to all of my Galentines and inspired by a personal desire to lift up and support other female-identifying humans in a world that might want to keep us down some days. There's nothing better than feeling seen, understood, and supported all at once. I hope this guide helps you come up with ways to tell your gals you've got their backs and their hearts too!

      Decode Your Dreams

      Decoding your dreams and assessing your place in this universe is so important to any emotional wellness journey; and the cleansing energy of a handmade gemstone soap can turn every bath into an opportunity to connect and heal.

      Dream Decoder, $16.99.  |  Gemstone Soap, $8.

      Beautiful Journaling

      There are so many remarkable moments in every day, they deserve to be documented and easily reflected upon. These pocket-sized notebooks and pre-sharpened floral pencils make me feel excited to write and even more excited to reflect in the future.

      Radical Reflection

      Speaking of reflection... this deck of Holstee Reflection Cards asks all the important questions so you can check in with yourself when life is moving too fast. The enamel pin is a reminder that being kind to yourself can be considered radical, but it's also very necessary. 

      Literary Love

      This is for my literary gals. There is power in holding a mirror to society by way of poetry, fiction, historical non-fiction... you name it. Our words have power and they connect us to ourselves and to each other across decades and even millennia. Wear it on your lapel, on your skin as a tattoo, or simply a bracelet to which you gave meaning and it can be our little secret. Together, we pass the Bechdel test with flying colors.

      Literary Tattoos, $12.95.  |  Cat Books Pin, $4.

      Besties Against the Patriarchy

      This book reminds us that loving and supporting each other, as female-identifying humans, we can dismantle years of effort to pit us against one another. We smash the patriarchy by celebrating the beauty of friendship, and of strength in love and numbers.

      Self Love Rituals

      We all look, sound, and experience life differently and that is beautiful. The Rituals book samples different belief systems, cultures and experiences to find the common thread of self care. We have so much to learn from each other and so much love to give. A small floral heart card, empty inside, and ready for a meaningful message from you to your loved one can speak volumes. Happy Galentines Day to us all!

      The Rituals Book, $19.95.  |  Floral Heart Card, $5.